// Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Water Service Connection FAQs
The owner of the property where the service connection will be installed, or his/her authorized representative, may file the application at WASSER Office #138 Rizal St., Brgy. Malapit, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Customers may also apply water service connection to WASSER WATER via online by visiting ONLINE NEW APPLICATION link.
- Duly accomplished application form
- Proof of ownership (land title or deed of sale)
- Proof of billing (if available)
- Barangay clearance
- Excavation permit (as advised)
- Other requirements as advised
- Valid TIN and BIR Certificate of Registration (For Commercial and Industrial Accounts)
How long will it take service connections installation upon application?
Answer: Please wait 1 to 2 weeks to complete your water service connection.
What is the service connection amount based on category and location.
Service Connection Fee (Standard) ₱3,622.00
Service Connection Fee (Boring) ₱3,867.00
- Duly accomplished application form
- Latest WASSER WATER bill without Previous Unpaid Amount
- Barangay clearance
- Authorization letter from the owner of the service connection
- Other requirements as advised
- Valid TIN and BIR Certificate of Registration (For Commercial and Industrial Accounts)
How long will it take service connections installation upon application?
Answer: Please wait 1 to 2 weeks to complete your water service connection.
What is the service connection amount based on category and location.
Service Connection Fee (Standard) ₱3,622.00
Service Connection Fee (Boring) ₱3,867.00
Water service connections with unpaid water bills after the specified due date is subject to disconnection. For disconnected accounts, a Request for Reconnection form will be given, which reflects the total amount to be paid inclusive of the following fees:
Full payment of unpaid bills with penalty and interest.
Reconnection fee which is ₱100.00
If you don’t have the Request for Reconnection form, you may call the WASSER WATER Hotlines (Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182), or proceed to WASSER WATER office, or message us on WASSER Corporate Website, Facebook Page or Twitter Page to inquire about the amount to be paid. You may also enroll your account in the WasserApp to check your monthly billings.
Upon posting of the full payment of all the required fees in our online systems, a Reconnection Support Ticket will be automatically issued for the reconnection of the water service.
Upon completion of requirements and/or settlement of payables, reconnection of service is rendered.
For temporary voluntary water service disconnection, you may proceed to WASSER WATER office for approval. Accounts requested for temporary disconnection are subject to full settlement of any outstanding accounts. Approval shall be based on reasonable grounds (i.e. moving out or migrating to other area/country; taking a vacation for a period longer than one month, etc.). Disconnection shall be undertaken on the dates as indicated and agreed upon by account holder and WASSER.
Billing-related FAQs
There are many factors that can cause an abrupt increase in your billing such as (1) changes in the number of persons in the household/account, (2) changes in consumption patterns, (3) a defective water meter, (4) an error in the water meter reading, (5) a leak after the water meter, or an underground leak.
To resolve billing issues, please contact our WASSER Consumer Care Hotlines via Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182. You may also click the Live CHAT button in our website to directly chat with our consumer care specialists. Finally, you may send an email via customercare@wasserwater.net.
- You may have settled your balance after the due date.
- Your payment may have been erroneously posted to another account.
Meter-related FAQs
- Locate Your Water Meter: Find your water meter. It’s usually installed outside your home near the main water supply line.
- Read the Numbers: Most water meters have a combination of black and red numbers. The black numbers represent kiloliters (1 cubic meter), while the red numbers indicate liters. Read the numbers from left to right. This is the numbers in BLACK.
- Ignore Decimal Points: Do not consider the numbers after the decimal point. Focus only on the whole numbers. This is the numbers in RED.
- Calculate Consumption: To determine your water consumption since the last reading, subtract the previous meter reading (from your water bill) from the current meter read. The result will give you the number of cubic meters used.
There may be a water leak in your water/plumbing system. To check for water leaks, close all water outlets inside your property and observe your water meter. If the water meter's tiny wheel (leak indicator) continues to move, then there may be an underground leak within your water/plumbing system. You may contact your trusted plumber who can investigate and fix the water leak.
To resolve water meter issues, please contact our Consumer Care Hotlines via Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182. You may also click the Live CHAT button in our website to directly chat with our consumer care specialists. Finally, you may send an email via customercare@wasserwater.net.
Your water meter may be defective. To resolve water meter issues, please contact our Consumer Care Hotlines via Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182. You may also click the Live CHAT button in our website to directly chat with our consumer care specialists. Finally, you may send an email via customercare@wasserwater.net.
Yes you can request such. You may bring the water meter for testing at our office at #138 Rizal St., Brgy. Malapit, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Fees varies depending on the size of the water meter to be tested.
To resolve water meter issues, please contact our Consumer Care Hotlines via Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182. You may also click the Live CHAT button in our website to directly chat with our consumer care specialists. Finally, you may send an email via customercare@wasserwater.net.
Yes but there will be corresponding meter charges for meter replacement as this will be a customer-initiated meter replacement request. WASSER will conduct the necessary meter testing to determine if the meter has any functional issue.
To resolve water meter issues, please contact our Consumer Care Hotlines via Globe: 09273768401 and Smart: 09628572182. You may also click the Live CHAT button in our website to directly chat with our consumer care specialists. Finally, you may send an email via customercare@wasserwater.net.
Payments FAQs
Yes, you may settle your water bill at any of our accredited payment centers or via online/mobile payments even without the hard copy of your WASSER Water SOA. Please be sure to provide the correct WASSER Account Number to avoid erroneous posting of your payment.
You may also need to visit WASSER Online Bill Inquiry portal for online viewing and payment of your WASSER water bill.
You may settle your water bill at any of our accredited payment centers or via online/mobile payments even the account is disconnected.
WASSER accredited payment centers are authorized to accept your payment even if your water service connection has been discontinued/disconnected. Please make sure to pay the full amount of the unpaid bills together with the Reconnection Fee.
You may pay your WASSER water bill in our office located at #138 Rizal St., Brgy. Malapit, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija.
You may also settle your water bill at any of our accredited payment centers even the account is disconnected.
Lastly, you may also settle your water bill via online/mobile payments even the account is disconnected.
Senior Citizen Discount FAQs
Any senior citizen who is the registered owner of a Residential WASSER Water account, and whose monthly consumption does not exceed 30 cubic meter, can apply for the SC discount. The customer will not be given this discount for the months when the account consumes more than 30 cubic meter.
The senior citizen will start benefiting from the discount one year after the approval of the application.
Senior Citizen customers consuming 30 cubic meters or less are entitled to a 5% discount in the basic charge, pursuant to the Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010. The following are the required documents:
- Duly accomplished application form
- Senior citizen identification card
- Proof of residence
- Water bill showing consumption of less than 30 cubic meters per month
- Other requirements as advised
For Residential customers, the discount is 5% of the Basic Charge.
For the accounts listed below, the discount is 50% of the Basic Charge:
- Senior Citizen Centers accredited by the Department of Social Welfare and Development
- Residential care/group homes that are government-run, or organized and operated by non-profit, non-stock, domestic corporations primarily to promote the well-being of abandoned, neglected, unattached or homeless senior citizens.
The Senior Citizen Discount is valid only for one year or 12 months.
If you wish to continue availing of the discount, the senior citizen or the representative must apply for the renewal one month before the expiration of the Senior Citizen Discount.
Illegal Connection FAQs
- Installing by-pass connections
- Double or more than one tapping
- Illegal change of service pipe
- Illegal change of size of service pipe
- Illegal installation of public faucet
- Illegal re-opening of water or sewer service connection
- Illegal separation of tapping of additional water service connection
- Illegal tapping to sewer manhole
- Illegal transfer of location of tapping of water or sewer service connection
- Illegal transfer of registered service to another property
- Illegal dismounting of meter
- Reversing connected meter
- Selling of water
- Tampering of service valve
- Tampering of water meter
- Unauthorized use of booster pump
- Unauthorized use of stub-out water or sewer connection
- Unauthorized water or sewer main extension
- Unauthorized or unregistered connection of water or sewer service
- Use of unregistered additional water or sewer service connection
Section 11. Penalties. —
The water utility concerned shall have the right and authority to disconnect the water services, five (5) days after service of written notice to that effect, except on Sundays and holidays, without need of a court or administrative order, and deny restoration of the same, when a prima facie evidence, of theft or pilferage shall have been established in accordance with Section 8 hereof: Provided, That a notice shall have been issued even upon discovery for the first time of the presence of any of the circumstances herein enumerated: Provided, further, That the water service shall not be disconnected or shall be immediately restored upon deposit, by the person concerned, of the difference in the billing made by the water utility concerned: Provided, finally, That the deposit shall be credited against future billings, with legal interest thereon where the alleged theft, pilferage or current diversion has not been committed, without prejudice to being indemnified for damages in accordance with the Civil Code and other existing laws.
A written notice of seventy-two (72) hours is necessary to effect water service disconnection upon the discovery for the second time of any of the circumstances enumerated in Section 8 hereof.
Any person who shall violate Section 8 hereof shall be punished by imprisonment of six (6) months to two (2) years and a fine not exceeding double the amount of the value of the water stolen or the value of the damaged facilities: Provided, however, That if the offender is assisted in the commission of the crime by a plumber, officer or employee of the water utility concerned, the said employee, officer or plumber shall be punished by imprisonment of two (2) years to six (6) years: Provided, further, That if the water is stolen for profit or resale, the offender shall be punished imprisonment from six (6) to twelve (12) years.
If the offender is a juridical person, the penalty shall be imposed on the chairman, president, general manager, administrator, and the officers thereof who shall have knowingly permitted, or are otherwise responsible for the commission of the offense.
Water Conservation FAQs
- Always turn taps off tightly so they do not drip.
- Promptly repair any leaks in and around your taps. (One leak can waste several thousand liters of water per year.)
- Use an aerator and/or a water flow-reducer attachment on your tap to reduce your water usage.
- When hand-washing dishes, never run water continuously. Wash dishes in a partially filled sink and then rinse them using the spray attachment on your tap.
- If you have an electric dishwasher, use it only to wash full loads, and use the shortest cycle possible. Many dishwashers have a conserver/water-miser cycle.
- When brushing your teeth, turn the water off while you are actually brushing. Use short bursts of water for cleaning your brush. (This saves about 80% of the water normally used.)
- When washing or shaving, partially fill the sink and use that water rather than running the tap continuously. (This saves about 60% of the water normally used.) Use short bursts of water to clean razors.
- Use either low-flow shower heads or adjustable flow-reducer devices on your shower heads. (They reduce flow by at least 25%.)
- You can reduce water usage by 40% to 50% by installing low-flush toilets.
- Wash only full loads in your washing machine.
- Use the shortest cycle possible for washing clothes and use the "suds-saver" feature if your machine has one.
- Use only cleaning products that will not harm the environment when they are washed away after use. Look for "environmentally friendly" products when shopping.
- Lawns and gardens require only 5 millimeters of water per day during warm weather.
- Water lawns every three to five days, rather than for a short period every day. In warm weather, apply 5 millimeters of water for each day since the last watering.
- Water during the cool part of the day, in the morning or evening. Do not water on windy days.
- Do not over-water in anticipation of a shortage. Soil cannot store extra water.
- Use shut-off timers or on-off timers, if possible. Do not turn on sprinklers and leave for the day.
Source: The Water Project
Septage Management FAQs
What is septage?
Septage is what is inside your septic tank. It means the sludge produced on individual onsite wastewater disposal systems, principally septic tanks and cesspools.
It includes solids and liquids that come from your toilet, sinks, kitchen and laundry. It refers to the partially treated waste stored in a septic tank. It includes all household wastes that are disposed of through a home's plumbing system and are not drained out into the soil or converted to gases by the bacteria in the tank.
Septage consists of solids and liquids that come from toilets, sinks, kitchens, and laundry. It is also defined as a liquid or semisolid that includes normal household wastes, human excreta, and animal or vegetable matter in suspension or solution generated from a residential septic tank system.
Is septage dangerous?
Yes. Sewage from your house and septage from your septic tanks contain pathogens, such as E. coli, that can make you and your family not feeling well. It can cause serious health problems in your community and a great deal of damage to every part of the ecosystem in the event that it floods or leaks into the groundwater or other bodies of water. Regular desludging, cleaning and the proper maintenance of septic tanks help prevent the contamination of water sources and the health risks it will cause.
What is septage management?
It is the program of WASSER WATER, in close partnership with the Local Government Unit of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, in the desludging (emptying) of septic tanks, transporting and the proper treatment and disposal of the by-products of wastewater (effluent) and biosolids (sludge) taken out from those septic tanks so these can be disposed of without causing any harm to the environment.
Why do we need septage management?
Septage is not only smelly. It can also contaminate water sources and spread water-borne diseases. You can take care of your septic tanks by having it drained and cleaned by a duly accredited service provider. Septage must be treated properly prior to disposal to avoid serious environmental and health hazards to you, your community and the environment.
Is septage required by law?
Yes. The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9275 March 22, 2004) requires all local government units to implement septage management program.
How much will this service cost me?
- Only Residential type accounts are charged with Septage fee.
- Septage fee is calculated at 5.5 pesos per cubic meter consumption.
- The maximum consumption chargeable with Septage fee is 35 cubic meter (so a consumption of 100 cubic meter for example, is charged only with 192.5 pesos Septage Fee).
- If the consumption is less than 10 cubic meter, the Septage Fee is calculated as if the consumption is 10 cubic meter.
Ang septage ay ang laman ng ating septic tank kasama ang lahat ng dumi na galing sa ating kasilyas, kusina, at lababo.
Oo. Ang septage ay may dalang bakterya na pwedeng makaapekto sa kalusugan ng ating mga pamilya. Kung ito ay papabayaang dumaloy sa ating mga ilog, bukal, at ibang yamang tubig, maaari itong magdulot ng seryosong pagkakasakit sa ating komunidad.
Ito ang programa ng pamahalaan na naglalayon na mapangasiwaan ang kalidad ng mga yamang tubig kung saan bawat lokal na pamahalaan ay dapat magkaroon ng ordinansa ukol sa regular na paglilinis ng septic tank o ng pozo negro. Sapagkat ang septage o dumi mula rito ay maaring magdulot ng kontaminasyon sa ating mga yamang tubig at maging sanhi ng pagkalat ng sakit.
Sapagkat ang septage o dumi mula sa pozo negro ay delikado lalung-lalo na kapag ito ay humalo sa ating mga katubigan. Ito ay maaaring magdulot ng malubhang sakit gaya ng typhoid, diarrhea, at cholera.
Oo. Ito ay ayon sa "Clean Water Act of 2004", lahat ng mga lokal na pamahalaan ay may obligasyong ipa-implement ang Sewage and Septage Management Program sa mga lugar na walang piped sewage system. Dahil dito, ang Munisipyo ng San Isidro ay nagpatupad ng Municipal Ordinance No. 1 Series of 2020 (Proper Septage Management System in the Municipality of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija) alinsunod sa nasabing batas. Ayon sa ordinansang ito, kailangang lahat ng septic tanks ay malinisan kada limang (5) taon para sa residential na gusali at kada tatlong (3) taon para sa commercial na gusali.
Ang halaga ng desludging ay mas mura kumpara sa sinisingil ng mga ibang pribadong kumpanya. Ang mga residential accounts ay ibabase sa di bababa sa 10 cubic meter hanggang 35 cubic meter ng aktuwal na konsumo, alinman ang mas mababa sa halagang PhP 5.50 per cubic meter na babayaran sa loob ng limang taon.
Halimbawa: Residential Accounts (payable in 5 years)
Alinsunod sa Tripartite Agreement sa pagitan ng San Isidro LGU, Soliman E.C., at ng Wasser Water Supply and Distribution System, Inc., ang inatasang mangolekta ng iyong buwanang bayad para sa programa na ito ay ang Wasser Water Supply and Distribution System, Inc. Ito ay magiging bahagi ng inyong water bill.
Lahat po ng naka konekta sa Wasser Water Supply and Distribution System, Inc. ay obligadong magbayad para sa serbisyo ng pagsipsip ng mga pozo negro. Layunin ng programang ito na linisin ang lahat ng septic tanks sa nasasakupan ng lalawigang ito.
Kung mayroon pa kayong mga katanungan, maaaring tumawag sa:
- Read and Bill System - WASSER Water continues to seek ways on improving its processes and systems with the intent of better serving its customers in the Municipality of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. Aiming for a more efficient way of delivering water bills, WASSER Water has recently implemented the new READ & BILL process through the MatrixAndroid technology developed and maintained by MATRIXMEDIA, a Makati-based IT Solutions Provider.
- WasserApp - Access your Wasser Water account 24/7 anywhere! The WasserApp is your one-stop-shop for bills, payments, consumer care, and more.
WasserApp is available via Android and iOS versions. It is a mobile platform that will give convenience to water consumers of Wasser Water. With this mobile app, Wasser consumers can access the following features:
View and Pay Bills - Access your water bill and pay anytime, anywhere 24/7.
Report a Water Leak - Inform Wasser Water when there is a water leak in your area and get updates on the time of restoration.
Inquire, Request and Give Feedback - You may talk to us via email or live chat us your concerns about your Wasser Water account.
Apply For New Water Service Connection - Accomplish the mobile application form and submit your requirements online.
Get help via Water Bill Calculator - You can now compute the estimated cost of your water bills by inputting your consumption in cubic meter. Please take note that this is only an estimated amount.
Accredited Payment Center Directory - Find the Wasser Water Accredited Payment Centers in your community.
All these technologies were developed and maintained by MATRIXMEDIA, a Makati-based IT Solutions Provider.
- Online and Mobile Payments - WASSER Water aiming for a more convenient way of customers paying water bills has recently implemented the new online and mobile payments solutions through the MatrixPay technology developed and maintained by MATRIXMEDIA, a Makati-based IT Solutions Provider. An online payment gateway is a technology that enables businesses to easily accept cash, credit cards, debit cards, e-wallets such as GCash and Maya, and other forms of payment. Pay your WASSER WATER bills online with the click of a button. You get 24/7 year-round access to your bills payments. Never miss out on a payment again!
- Online Consumer Care Support - Online consumer care support delivers customer service through various digital channels such as email, live chat, social media platforms, and messaging apps. All these technologies were developed and maintained by MATRIXMEDIA, a Makati-based IT Solutions Provider.
- Text Blast Service - WASSER Text Blast Service is a way to send water advisories and other news and events text messages to all its customers in the Municipality of San Isidro, Nueva Ecija. These messages are sent by WASSER through an application-to-peer (A2P) messaging gateway. WASSER Text Blast Service is a form of bulk SMS messaging powered by MatrixSMS technology developed and maintained by MATRIXMEDIA, a Makati-based IT Solutions Provider.
More Wasser Online Services powered by MATRIXMEDIA:
Online New Water Service Application - avail new water service from WASSER WATER upon completion of required documents and fees. Accomplish the form and submit your requirements online.
Online Additional Water Service Application - avail additional water service from WASSER WATER upon completion of required documents and fees. Accomplish the form and submit your requirements online.
Online Bill Inquiry - is an online bill presentment and inquiry provided by WASSER WATER to its consumers. Here, you can securely register and access your water bills 24/7 all year round.
Online Support Ticket - it delivers customer service through various digital channels such as email, live chat, social media platforms, and messaging apps. You may file your complaints online with these emerging technologies.
WASSER Corporate Website - a corporate website or company website is owned by WASSER and Matrixmedia for the purpose of communicating with WASSER consumers as well as its website visitors. It provides content like a company profile, descriptions of services offered, company news or announcements, and contact information.